HawkScan Releases
StackHawk is a dynamic application security testing (DAST) tool built for developers. It has two parts – the HawkScan Scanner and the StackHawk Platform. The scanner can run anywhere - a laptop, a server, Kubernetes, or in the software delivery pipeline. It can be installed and run from different installers, or used with the additionally listed software.
These are the current latest and development releases of HawkScan.
HawkScan on the Command Line
Get HawkScan onto your machine just the way you like it. The latest version of HawkScan can be found here:
Use any of the following scripts to install the latest HawkScan HAWK_VERSION on your respective platform.
docker pull stackhawk/hawkscan:latest
curl -v https://download.stackhawk.com/hawk/pkg/hawk-HAWK_VERSION.pkg -o hawk.pkg && installer -pkg hawk.pkg -target /Applications
msiexec.exe /i https://download.stackhawk.com/hawk/msi/hawk-HAWK_VERSION.msi /passive
curl -v https://download.stackhawk.com/hawk/cli/hawk-HAWK_VERSION.zip -o hawk-HAWK_VERSION.zip && unzip hawk-HAWK_VERSION.zip
HawkScan in the Pipeline
HawkScan is purpose built to run and find vulnerabilities in development, preprod and test environments. Use our dedicated CICD marketplace integrations to employ HawkScan as part of the application development process.