GraphQL Support

HawkScan is pioneering application security testing for GraphQL APIs.

HawkScan will perform introspection of a GraphQL app to generate routes based on available operations. The scanner can be configured to enumerate all available types and input parameters for Query and Mutation together, or for each individual type separately.

See GraphQL configuration settings for more details.

How It Works

To perform application security testing against a GraphQL API, HawkScan runs the following processes:

  1. The scanner initially introspects the GraphQL schema endpoint for available types and operations.
  2. After collecting input types and arguments, HawkScan generates requests and populates arguments with test values to begin spidering the GraphQL API in preparation for attack.
  3. Requests sent as POST by default, while using GET requests is a configurable option. See requestMethod in the GraphQL configurations for more info
  4. The active scanner goes to work on each route discovered by the spider.

Note: If your stackhawk.yml file has other features enabled such as OpenAPI configuration or the AJAX Spider, you may experience longer scan completion times in larger environments.

GraphQL Configuration

To scan a GraphQL application:

  1. set app.graphqlConf.enabled to true in stackhawk.yml
  2. configure a GraphQL schema (introspection endpoint or schema file)

Configuration examples:

Example 1 – Point HawkScan to your application’s GraphQL introspection endpoint:


  host: http://localhost:3000
    enabled: true
    schemaPath: /graphql # relative path to the introspection endpoint
    operation: MUTATION
    requestMethod: GET

Example 2 – Import a JSON-formatted schema file into HawkScan:


  host: http://localhost:3000
    enabled: true
    filePath: relative/path/to/gql/schema.json # path to schema file
    operation: MUTATION
    requestMethod: GET

Note: HawkScan requires that either schemaPath OR filePath be configured. It is unusual to configure both, but sometimes necessary. If both filePath and schemaPath are set, the schema will be loaded from the file system and the schemaPath will be used for requests to the API.


Provides a relative path to the introspection endpoint.

This should also be the GraphQL API endpoint for sending queries.


  • if no schema path has been provided, the scanner will look for it at /graphql by default
  • a schemaPath will need to be provided if the GraphQL endpoint is not at /graphql


It is possible to provide the GraphQL schema as a JSON file. Provide the relative path to a JSON formatted GraphQL schema.


  • this path is relative to the HawkScan Docker context, which by default is the current working directory
  • the schema file should start with {"__schema":, not {"data":{"__schema": (the latter is the output of an introspection query; HawkScan expects the schema itself)


Some queries can exceed recommended lengths when using the GET request method. Max URI length for GET requests will truncate long URIs and may result in misfired requests.


By default, the spider generates operation requests for both Query and Mutation types. Use this option to target one or the other individually.


To exclude particular GraphQL operations from being scanned, pass an array of objects with name and type as keys. The name is a string representing the name of the operation while the type is an enum representing the possible GraphQL operation types (QUERY, MUTATION, or ALL to exclude query and mutation operations with the same name) . schemaPath and filePath options are both compatible with this functionality.


  host: http://localhost:3000
    enabled: true
    schemaPath: /graphql
      - name: filterPosts
        type: QUERY
      - name: updatePosts
        type: MUTATION

Using Custom Variable Injection

You can configure HawkScan to use custom values for any parameters that exist in your GraphQL schema. Using custom values allows you to scan operations that can potentially access real data and exercise more branches of your application’s code than default static values that may not exist in the context of your application. To provide custom values for your GraphQL schema’s params, include the app.graphqlConf.customVariables parameter in your stackhawk.yml file.

The following is an example configuration using custom values:

# in the "app" config...
    enabled: true
    schemaPath: /graphql
    requestMethod: POST
    operation: ALL
    # List of custom variables and a list of possible values to use for each of them.
      - field: firstName
          - customFirstName1
          - customFirstName2
      - field: lastName
          - customLastName1
          - customLastName2
      - field: username
          - customUsername1
          - customUsername2
          - customUsername3

If you provide a list of values for a custom variable, the scanner will select one randomly for each operations that the custom variable belongs to. If you provide a single value in the list for a variable, that value will be used. For any parameters in the GraphQL schema that you do not provide custom values for in the stackhawk.yml file, HawkScan will fall back on default logic and use static values based on their type.

To achieve greater control over GraphQL custom variables, you have the option to include an operationName and an operationType (MUTATION or QUERY). These additional filters help in injecting custom variable values more selectively. When an operationName and/or operationType are specified, only requests that match that specific information will utilize the provided list of values for variable injection. This allows you to assign different sets of values for the same schema parameter name. For instance, if you have two separate operations that both use the {userId} parameter, you can use the operationName to assign distinct lists of potential values for each operation. Here’s an example of how to configure operation names and types:

# in the "app" config
    enabled: true
    schemaPath: /graphql
    fakerEnabled: true
      - field: title
          - customValue1
          - customValue2
        operationName: createPost
        operationType: MUTATION
      - field: content
          - $faker:paragraph
        operationType: QUERY
      - field: username
          - scannerLoginUsername
        operationName: login
      - field: username
          - scannerRegisterUsername
        operationName: register
      - field: password
          - scannerPassword
        operationName: login
        operationType: MUTATION

In the example above, the title will only be injected when the operationName is createPost and it is a MUTATION . The content param will be used wherever the parameter turns up in a QUERY operation, regardless of the operationName. for the username param, when the login operation is invoked, scannerLoginUsername will be used and when the register operation is invoked, scannerRegisterUsername will be used. Same idea with password, the value scannerPassword will only be injected on the login operation.

Generating Smart Values for Parameters

By leveraging the Java Faker library, HawkScan can generate smarter values when the proper information is supplied in the GraphQL schema. To enable this feature, be sure the graphqlConf.fakerEnabled value is set to true. You can then configure which parameters will get generated smart values in the stackhawk.yml file in the graphqlConf section, by using the faker prefix ($faker) and a format as a custom value for a given parameter. For example:

# in the "app" config...
    enabled: true
    schemaPath: /graphql
    requestMethod: POST
    operation: ALL
    # Enables used of the Faker library to generate smarter values
    fakerEnabled: true
    # List of custom variables and a list of possible values to use for each of them.
      - field: customerEmail
          - $faker:email
      - field: customerPhone
          - $faker:phone
      - field: customerId
          - $faker:uuid

This configuration will randomly generate a properly formatted and random email address for customerEmail, phone number for customerPhone, and uuid for customerId.

Below is a list of all the formats supported by HawkScan:

- email
- phone
- uuid
- url
- uri
- hostname
- ipv4 
- ipv6
- date-time
- date
- float
- double
- boolean
- word
- sentence
- paragraph
- sha256
- sha512
- md5
- yoda (Yoda quotes)

More Configuration Support

For more detailed configuration options, check out the GraphQL Scanner Parameters

Example GraphQL Schema Introspection

More information on GraphQL fields, types, variables and operations can be found in the following series of documents:

HawkScan expects a well-formed GraphQL schema definition which conforms to the GraphQL specification.

A simple example:


  "__schema": {
    "queryType": {
      "name": "Query"
    "mutationType": {
      "name": "Mutation"
    "subscriptionType": null,
    "types": [
        "kind": "OBJECT",
        "name": "Query",
        "description": null,
        "fields": [
            "name": "post",
            "description": null,
            "args": [
                "name": "where",
                "description": null,
                "type": {
                  "kind": "NON_NULL",
                  "name": null,
                  "ofType": {
                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
                    "name": "PostWhereUniqueInput",
                    "ofType": null
                "defaultValue": null
            "type": {
              "kind": "OBJECT",
              "name": "Post",
              "ofType": null
            "isDeprecated": false,
            "deprecationReason": null

HawkScan Generated Requests

HawkScan provides support for both POST and GET requests.

POST request example:

POST http://localhost:4000 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: HawkScan/2.0; StackHawk, Inc. (
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Length: 296
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost:4000

  "query": "query filterPosts($searchString:String ) { filterPosts(searchString:$searchString) { id } }",
  "variables": {
    "searchString": "KaaaKaww!"

GET request example:
