This feature is available on the StackHawk Enterprise plan.

API Discovery with StackHawk

In today’s complex API landscape, companies face significant challenges in gaining visibility into their APIs and Applications in production. Identifying the existence and specifics of these APIs is crucial for ensuring comprehensive security coverage. StackHawk’s Attack Surface with API Discovery feature addresses this challenge by utilizing advanced AI to analyze your code repositories. This feature quickly and efficiently identifies your applications and APIs, providing strategic recommendations to prioritize testing efforts effectively. By leveraging your code repositories as the source of truth, StackHawk offers unparalleled insight into your application and API attack surface.

Attack Surface

Attack Surface Coverage

The first step in getting your API’s and applications secured with StackHawk is knowing what you have covered and what you need to get under test. Our Attack Surface Coverage visualization shows the total number of repositories in your attack surface and how many of them have been mapped to a StackHawk application. You can quickly use this information to get a sense for your organizations coverage and track your progress towards securing your codebase.

StackHawk Platform - Attack Surface Wheel of Completeness

Attack Surface Repositories

Shows all of the repositories that are part of your Attack Surface, either discovered using HawkAI or manually added. Here you have the ability to connect these repositories to new or existing Applications so that you can get them tested with StackHawk. In this view you can see the name of the repository, its status within StackHawk, the frameworks detected by HawkAI, last commit information and recent commit activity. From the menu (…) on each row you are able to remove the repository from the Attack Surface or manage which Applications it is connected to.

For repositories that HawkAI has identified as an API or Web Application, you’ll notice the star icon next to its name indicating it has been automatically added to your attack surface. You can easily remove a repository from the attack surface if it isn’t something you plan to cover with StackHawk.

StackHawk Platform - Attack Surface Repos

The number of StackHawk Applications a repository is mapped to is displayed in the StackHawk Applications column. There is no limit to the number of applications that can be mapped to a repository. The benefit of mapping repositories to applications is that all scans will always be associated with that specific code. This way, you can maintain continuous visibility over the code written within your organization and the security tests you run to ensure complete coverage of your applications and APIs.

All Repositories

The All Repositories view shows all of the repositories you have given StackHawk access to with the ability to add to or remove from the Attack Surface. In this view you can see the name of the repository, its status within StackHawk, the frameworks detected by HawkAI, last commit information and recent commit activity.

StackHawk Platform - All Repositories Page

Feature Overview

StackHawk Application

StackHawk supports multiple configurations to connect your repositories to StackHawk applications, tailored to different organizational needs:

  • Single Repo - For organizations that store their apps and API code in separate repositories, you can quickly connect each repository to its corresponding StackHawk application.
  • Mono Repo - If your organization uses a monorepo structure (multiple apps and APIs in one codebase), you can seamlessly connect one repository to multiple StackHawk applications.
  • Microservice Repos - For organizations with numerous microservices that integrate into a single StackHawk application, you can easily connect several repositories to a single StackHawk application.

Frameworks Detected

HawkAI enhances visibility by detecting and displaying the frameworks present in each repository. This detailed view helps you understand the type of API or Web Application and streamline the process of getting it under test with StackHawk.

Last Commit

Stay synchronized with new code deployments by tracking the last commit details, including the branch name and the developer who committed the code. This feature allows you to invite developers to the StackHawk platform quickly, ensuring they can promptly address and fix vulnerabilities.

30 Day Activity

Understanding the frequency of code commits to a repository helps prioritize which repositories to test first. It also aids in determining the optimal testing frequency to ensure that no code reaches production without being secured by StackHawk.

Disabling HawkAI

We recognize that some organizations have strict policies and procedures regarding the use of large language models (LLMs) and the sharing of data with third-party services. To accommodate these requirements, StackHawk provides an easy way to disable all AI processing. You can disable HawkAI by navigating to Settings -> Org Settings -> HawkAI. This ensures that no AI processing will occur, aligning with your organization’s compliance and data sharing policies.

For more information on how StackHawk handles and protects your data, please read our blog post: How We Built HawkAI to Protect Your Data.