
This feature is available on the StackHawk Enterprise plan.

Group Users and Applications into Teams

StackHawk Teams helps make your Applications easier to find and ensures Users have access to only the Applications they need. This feature functions as both a permission management tool, preventing Users with the Member role from accessing Applications on other Teams, and an organizational tool, grouping Applications around products or departments.

Things to keep in mind about Teams

  • Owners and Admins can see all Teams, Applications, Environments, and Scans within the given organization.
  • Only Users assigned the Admin or Owner Roles can create and edit Teams.
  • All Users regardless of Role have full access to Applications that aren’t assigned to a Team (including associated Environments and their Scans).
  • Take some time to organize your Applications in StackHawk by creating Teams and assigning Users as Members. Members can only access the Applications and Scans of the Teams they are assigned to, or any Applications that have no Team assigned.

Creating a Team

In StackHawk, go to Teams from the primary navigation.

Press the “Create a Team” button.

Create Team

In the “Create a Team” modal, fill out the Team Name and add Users and Applications that you want to group.

Create Team Modal

When finished, click “Create Team”.

Create Team Modal Finish

Updating a Team

In StackHawk, go to Teams and click on the Team you want to change.

Team List

In the Team Edit page, modify the Name, Users, and Applications as needed.

Team Edit

Changes will be saved automatically when you finish.

Deleting a Team

In StackHawk, go to Teams click on the Team you want to delete.

Team List

At the bottom of the page, click on the “Delete Team” button.

Team Delete

In the “Remove Team?” modal, note that you are going to permanently delete the team, and then follow the instructions to type the confirmation phrase and then click “Yes, Delete”.

Team Confirm Delete