HawkScan Test Info for In Page Banner Information Leak

In Page Banner Information Leak


Plugin Id: 10009 | CWE: 200


To remediate the vulnerability “In Page Banner Information Leak,” the following steps can be taken:

  1. Disable server version banner: Modify the server configuration to prevent the version banner string from being returned in the response content. This can be achieved by configuring the server to suppress or remove the version information from the HTTP response headers.

    Example for Apache HTTP Server (httpd.conf):

    ServerTokens Prod
    ServerSignature Off

    Example for Nginx (nginx.conf):

    server_tokens off;
  2. Implement security patches and updates: Regularly update the software and apply security patches provided by the vendor. This helps to address any known vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of exploitation.

  3. Implement web application firewalls (WAF): Deploy a WAF to monitor and filter incoming traffic, blocking any requests that attempt to exploit the vulnerability. WAFs can provide an additional layer of protection by detecting and mitigating attacks targeting specific issues impacting the product and version in use.


The vulnerability “In Page Banner Information Leak” occurs when the server returns a version banner string in the response content. This version information can be used by attackers to gain insights into the software and its version, potentially allowing them to target specific vulnerabilities or weaknesses associated with that product and version.


The risks associated with the vulnerability “In Page Banner Information Leak” include:

  • Targeted attacks: Attackers can use the leaked version information to tailor their attacks specifically to the product and version in use, increasing the likelihood of successful exploitation.

  • Increased exposure to known vulnerabilities: By revealing the software and version, attackers can easily identify known vulnerabilities associated with that product and version. This increases the risk of successful attacks if the software is not up to date with the latest security patches.

  • Reputation and trust impact: Information leaks can erode user trust and damage the reputation of the affected organization. Users may perceive the presence of such vulnerabilities as a sign of poor security practices, potentially leading to loss of business or credibility.