HawkScan Test Info for Information Disclosure - Debug Error Messages

Information Disclosure - Debug Error Messages


Plugin Id: 10023 | CWE: 200


To remediate the vulnerability of “Information Disclosure - Debug Error Messages,” you can take the following steps:

  1. Disable debug mode: Ensure that debug mode is disabled in your application’s configuration settings. Debug mode should only be enabled during development and testing phases and should be turned off in production environments.

    Example for ASP.NET:

        <compilation debug="false" />
  2. Customize error messages: Instead of displaying detailed error messages to users, provide generic error messages that do not disclose sensitive information. This can be achieved by handling errors and exceptions in a centralized manner and displaying user-friendly error messages.

    Example for ASP.NET:

        <customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Error">
          <error statusCode="404" redirect="~/NotFound" />
  3. Regularly update and patch software: Keep your web server, application framework, and other software components up to date with the latest security patches. This helps to mitigate known vulnerabilities that could be exploited to disclose sensitive information.


The vulnerability “Information Disclosure - Debug Error Messages” occurs when an application or web server returns detailed error messages that reveal sensitive information about the underlying system. These error messages can provide valuable information to attackers, such as the technology stack being used, file paths, and potentially even database connection strings.

Attackers can leverage this information to gain insights into the system’s architecture and identify potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses to exploit. Common error messages returned by platforms like ASP.NET, and web servers like IIS and Apache, can be configured to be more generic and less revealing.


The risks associated with the vulnerability “Information Disclosure - Debug Error Messages” include:

  • Sensitive information exposure: Detailed error messages can disclose sensitive information about the system, such as file paths, database connection strings, or internal server configurations. This information can be used by attackers to plan and execute targeted attacks.

  • Increased attack surface: Detailed error messages provide attackers with valuable insights into the system’s architecture and technology stack. This knowledge can help them identify potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses to exploit, increasing the overall attack surface of the application or web server.

  • Reputation and trust impact: Exposing detailed error messages to users can erode trust and damage the reputation of the application or web server. Users may perceive the system as insecure or unreliable if they encounter error messages that reveal sensitive information.