HawkScan Test Info for Open Redirect

Open Redirect


Plugin Id: 10028 | CWE: 601


To prevent open redirects, it is important to properly validate and sanitize user-supplied input that is used to construct redirect URLs. Here are some recommended steps to mitigate this vulnerability:

  1. Input validation: Validate and sanitize all user-supplied input that is used to construct redirect URLs. Ensure that the input only contains valid characters and does not include any malicious or unexpected values. For example, you can use regular expressions or whitelist validation to restrict the input to a specific format or set of characters.

  2. Whitelist validation: Implement a whitelist validation approach where you define a list of trusted URLs or domains that the application can redirect to. Validate the user-supplied input against this whitelist to ensure that only trusted URLs are allowed. For example, in a web application, you can use server-side code to check if the input matches a predefined list of trusted domains before performing the redirect.

  3. Output encoding: Encode the user-supplied input properly when constructing the redirect URL. This helps to prevent any malicious input from being interpreted as part of the URL. For example, in a web application, you can use URL encoding functions or libraries to encode the user-supplied input before appending it to the redirect URL.

  4. Strict redirect validation: Implement strict validation checks on the redirect URL to ensure that it is a valid and trusted URL. This can include checking the protocol (e.g., HTTP or HTTPS), domain, and path of the redirect URL. For example, in a web application, you can use server-side code to validate the redirect URL against a predefined list of trusted domains or patterns.


Open redirects occur when an application allows user-supplied input to control an offsite redirect. This vulnerability can be exploited by attackers to trick users into visiting malicious websites or phishing pages. By manipulating the redirect URL, attackers can craft convincing phishing attacks or redirect users to malicious websites that may host malware or steal sensitive information.


The risks associated with open redirects include:

  1. Phishing attacks: Attackers can use open redirects to create convincing phishing attacks by redirecting users to malicious websites that mimic legitimate ones. This can trick users into entering their credentials or providing sensitive information to the attacker.

  2. Malware distribution: Open redirects can be used to redirect users to websites that host malware. This can result in the user’s device being infected with malware, leading to unauthorized access, data loss, or other malicious activities.

  3. Brand reputation damage: If an application is vulnerable to open redirects, it can be exploited by attackers to redirect users to malicious websites that impersonate the application’s brand. This can damage the reputation and trust of the application among its users.

It is important to address open redirects to protect users from falling victim to phishing attacks, prevent malware infections, and maintain the reputation of the application.