HawkScan Test Info for Server Leaks Version Information via "Server" HTTP Response Header Field

Server Leaks Version Information via "Server" HTTP Response Header Field


Plugin Id: 10036 | CWE: 200


To remediate this vulnerability, you should modify the server configuration to remove or obfuscate the version information from the “Server” HTTP response header. This can typically be done by adjusting the server configuration file or using a security module or plugin.

Here are some examples of how to remediate this vulnerability for popular web servers:

  1. Apache HTTP Server: Edit the httpd.conf file and add the following line to remove the “Server” header:

    ServerTokens Prod

    This will set the server token to “Prod” which will hide the version information.

  2. Nginx: Edit the nginx.conf file and add the following line to remove the “Server” header:

    server_tokens off;

    This will disable the server token and hide the version information.

  3. Microsoft IIS: Open the IIS Manager, select the server node, and double-click on the “HTTP Response Headers” feature. Then, click on “Remove” in the “Actions” pane to remove the “Server” header.

    Alternatively, you can use the following command in the command prompt to remove the “Server” header:

    appcmd.exe set config /section:httpProtocol /-customHeaders.[name='Server']

    This will remove the “Server” header from the server responses.


The vulnerability “Server Leaks Version Information via “Server” HTTP Response Header Field” occurs when the web/application server includes version information in the “Server” HTTP response header. This information can be easily accessed by attackers and may provide them with valuable insights into the server’s software and version.

By knowing the server’s software and version, attackers can specifically target vulnerabilities that are known to exist in that particular version. This increases the risk of successful attacks and compromises the security of the web/application server.


The risks associated with this vulnerability include:

  • Increased attack surface: By leaking version information, the web/application server exposes itself to potential attacks targeting known vulnerabilities in that specific version.
  • Targeted attacks: Attackers can use the leaked version information to tailor their attacks and exploit vulnerabilities that are known to exist in that version.
  • Reduced security: The leakage of version information undermines the principle of security through obscurity, making it easier for attackers to gather intelligence and plan their attacks.

It is important to remediate this vulnerability to prevent attackers from gaining valuable information about the server and reducing the risk of successful attacks.