HawkScan Test Info for X-Backend-Server Header Information Leak

X-Backend-Server Header Information Leak


Plugin Id: 10039


To remediate the vulnerability “X-Backend-Server Header Information Leak,” the following steps can be taken:

  1. Disable server information disclosure: Modify the server configuration to prevent the leakage of backend system information through the X-Backend-Server header. This can be achieved by removing or obfuscating the header information.

  2. Implement a reverse proxy: Utilize a reverse proxy server to act as an intermediary between the client and the backend server. The reverse proxy can be configured to strip or modify the X-Backend-Server header before it reaches the client.

  3. Regularly update and patch server software: Keep the server software up to date with the latest security patches and updates. This helps to mitigate any known vulnerabilities that could be exploited to leak backend system information.


The vulnerability “X-Backend-Server Header Information Leak” refers to the server leaking information related to backend systems, such as hostnames or IP addresses. This information can be valuable to attackers as it provides insights into the infrastructure and potentially allows them to target other systems or launch more efficient attacks.


The risks associated with the vulnerability “X-Backend-Server Header Information Leak” include:

  1. Increased attack surface: The leakage of backend system information expands the attack surface for potential attackers. Armed with this information, they can identify and target specific systems or infrastructure components.

  2. System compromise: With knowledge of backend system details, attackers can launch more targeted attacks, potentially leading to the compromise of critical systems or sensitive data.

  3. Reconnaissance and planning: The leaked information can aid attackers in conducting reconnaissance and planning for future attacks. They can use the information to identify vulnerabilities, weaknesses, or potential entry points in the backend systems.