HawkScan Test Info for Source Code Disclosure - SQL

Source Code Disclosure - SQL


Plugin Id: 10099 | CWE: 540


To remediate the vulnerability of “Application Source Code was disclosed by the web server - SQL”, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Secure the web server: Ensure that the web server is properly configured and hardened to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive files, including source code. This can be achieved by implementing strong access controls, regularly updating and patching the server software, and using secure configurations.

  2. Implement proper file permissions: Set appropriate file permissions for the source code files to restrict access to authorized users only. For example, on a Linux-based system, you can use the following command to set the permissions of a file to read and write for the owner, and no permissions for others:

    chmod 600 <file_name>
  3. Disable directory listing: Ensure that directory listing is disabled on the web server to prevent the disclosure of directory contents, including source code files. This can be done by configuring the web server to return a 403 Forbidden error when a directory is accessed directly.

  4. Secure database connections: Implement secure database connection practices, such as using encrypted connections (e.g., SSL/TLS) and strong authentication mechanisms, to protect the confidentiality of the database credentials and prevent unauthorized access to the database.

  5. Regularly update and patch applications: Keep all applications, including the web server and any associated frameworks or libraries, up to date with the latest security patches. This helps to address any known vulnerabilities that could be exploited to disclose source code.


The vulnerability “Application Source Code was disclosed by the web server - SQL” refers to a situation where the source code of an application is unintentionally disclosed by the web server. This vulnerability can occur when the web server is misconfigured or when there are security flaws in the application that allow an attacker to access and download the source code files.

Source code disclosure can have serious consequences as it exposes the inner workings of an application, including sensitive information such as database credentials, API keys, and business logic. Attackers can exploit this information to gain a deeper understanding of the application’s vulnerabilities and potentially launch further attacks.


The risks associated with the vulnerability of “Application Source Code was disclosed by the web server - SQL” include:

  1. Exposure of sensitive information: The disclosure of source code can expose sensitive information, such as database credentials, API keys, and proprietary algorithms. This information can be leveraged by attackers to gain unauthorized access to systems or launch targeted attacks.

  2. Increased attack surface: Source code disclosure provides attackers with valuable insights into the application’s inner workings, making it easier for them to identify vulnerabilities and develop exploits. This can lead to an increased risk of successful attacks, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and remote code execution.

  3. Reputation damage: Source code disclosure can have severe reputational consequences for organizations. It can erode customer trust, damage brand reputation, and result in financial losses due to legal liabilities, regulatory fines, and loss of business opportunities.

It is crucial to promptly remediate this vulnerability to prevent unauthorized access to source code and mitigate the associated risks.