HawkScan Test Info for Private IP Disclosure

Private IP Disclosure


Plugin Id: 2 | CWE: 200


To remediate the vulnerability of Private IP Disclosure, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Disable private IP disclosure: Ensure that private IP addresses or Amazon EC2 private hostnames are not exposed in the HTTP response body. This can be achieved by properly configuring the web server or application to filter out or obfuscate any private IP information before sending the response.

  2. Implement secure coding practices: Follow secure coding practices to prevent the inclusion of private IP addresses or hostnames in the response body. This includes avoiding the use of private IP addresses or hostnames in any dynamically generated content or error messages.

  3. Regular security assessments: Conduct regular security assessments and penetration testing to identify any instances where private IP addresses or hostnames may be inadvertently disclosed in the HTTP response body. This will help in identifying and addressing any potential vulnerabilities.


The vulnerability of Private IP Disclosure occurs when a private IP address (such as 10.x.x.x, 172.x.x.x, 192.168.x.x) or an Amazon EC2 private hostname (e.g., ip-10-0-56-78) is exposed in the HTTP response body. This information can be useful for attackers as it provides insights into the internal network structure and potentially aids in further attacks targeting internal systems.


The risks associated with Private IP Disclosure vulnerability include:

  1. Network reconnaissance: Attackers can use the disclosed private IP addresses or hostnames to gather information about the internal network structure. This information can be used for planning targeted attacks against specific systems or services.

  2. Exploitation of internal systems: With knowledge of the internal IP addresses or hostnames, attackers can potentially exploit vulnerabilities in internal systems or services. This can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, or disruption of critical services.

  3. Lateral movement: Once inside the network, attackers can use the disclosed private IP addresses or hostnames to navigate and move laterally across the internal infrastructure. This can help them escalate privileges, access sensitive data, or compromise additional systems.