HawkScan Test Info for Cross-Domain Misconfiguration - Adobe - Send

Cross-Domain Misconfiguration - Adobe - Send


Plugin Id: 20016 | CWE: 264


To remediate the vulnerability, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Configure cross-domain policy file: Ensure that the cross-domain policy file is properly configured to restrict access from unauthorized domains. This can be done by specifying the allowed domains in the cross-domain policy file.

    Example configuration for Adobe Flash cross-domain policy file (crossdomain.xml):

      <allow-access-from domain="trusteddomain.com" />
      <allow-access-from domain="anothertrusteddomain.com" />
      <!-- Add more trusted domains as necessary -->

    Example configuration for Microsoft Silverlight cross-domain policy file (clientaccesspolicy.xml):

            <domain uri="http://trusteddomain.com" />
            <domain uri="http://anothertrusteddomain.com" />
            <!-- Add more trusted domains as necessary -->
            <resource path="/" include-subpaths="true" />
  2. Implement CSRF protection: Implement Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection mechanisms on the web server to prevent unauthorized requests. This can be achieved by using anti-CSRF tokens, validating the origin of requests, or implementing other CSRF prevention techniques.


The vulnerability “Cross-Domain Misconfiguration - Adobe - Send” refers to a misconfiguration on the web server that allows for Flash/Silverlight based cross-site request forgery. This vulnerability occurs when the cross-domain policy file is not properly configured, allowing unauthorized domains to make requests to the server.


If this vulnerability is exploited, an attacker could trick users into performing unintended actions on the affected website. This could lead to unauthorized access, data leakage, or other malicious activities depending on the functionality of the targeted website. It is important to address this vulnerability to prevent potential security breaches and protect user data.