HawkScan Test Info for .htaccess Information Leak

.htaccess Information Leak


Plugin Id: 40032 | CWE: 94


To mitigate the risk of an .htaccess information leak vulnerability, it is recommended to follow these steps:

  1. Restrict access to .htaccess files: Ensure that .htaccess files are not accessible to unauthorized users. This can be achieved by placing them in a directory that is not accessible via the web server or by using appropriate file permissions.

  2. Regularly review and update .htaccess files: Regularly review the content of .htaccess files to ensure that they do not contain any sensitive information or misconfigurations that could lead to information leaks.

  3. Disable .htaccess files if not needed: If .htaccess files are not required for your website or application, it is recommended to disable them completely. This can be done by setting the AllowOverride directive to None in the Apache configuration file.


.htaccess files are configuration files used by the Apache Web Server software to modify the behavior of the server on a per-directory basis. They allow users to override certain server configuration settings without the need to modify the main server configuration file.


  1. Information disclosure: If an attacker gains access to an .htaccess file, they may be able to extract sensitive information such as database credentials, API keys, or other configuration details. This information can then be used to further compromise the system or launch targeted attacks.

  2. Server misconfiguration: Improperly configured .htaccess files can lead to unintended consequences, such as allowing unauthorized access to files or directories, enabling insecure features, or causing conflicts with other server configurations.

  3. Increased attack surface: By allowing users to modify server configurations, .htaccess files can potentially introduce new vulnerabilities or weaken existing security measures. Attackers can exploit these weaknesses to gain unauthorized access or perform other malicious activities.