HawkScan Test Info for Hidden File Found

Hidden File Found


Plugin Id: 40035 | CWE: 538


To remediate the “Hidden File Found” vulnerability, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Access control: Ensure that sensitive files are properly protected and only accessible to authorized individuals or processes. This can be achieved by implementing strict file permissions and access controls.

  2. Regular file system audits: Conduct regular audits of the file system to identify any hidden or sensitive files that may have been inadvertently exposed. This can be done using file integrity monitoring tools or manual inspections.

  3. Secure file storage: Store sensitive files in a secure location, such as an encrypted file system or a dedicated secure file server. This helps to prevent unauthorized access and reduces the risk of exposure.

  4. Regular vulnerability scanning: Perform regular vulnerability scans to identify any potential hidden files or vulnerabilities in the system. This can help to proactively detect and address any security issues before they can be exploited.


The “Hidden File Found” vulnerability refers to the discovery of a sensitive file that is accessible or available to unauthorized individuals. This vulnerability can occur due to misconfigured file permissions, improper access controls, or other security weaknesses in the system.

Sensitive files can include administrative files, configuration files, or files containing credentials or other sensitive information. If these files are accessed by a malicious individual, they can be leveraged to further attack the system or conduct social engineering efforts.


The risks associated with the “Hidden File Found” vulnerability include:

  1. Data exposure: If a sensitive file is accessed by an unauthorized individual, it can lead to the exposure of confidential or sensitive information. This can have serious consequences, such as data breaches or unauthorized access to critical systems.

  2. System compromise: If an attacker gains access to administrative or configuration files, they can potentially manipulate the system settings or gain unauthorized control over the system. This can lead to system compromise, data loss, or disruption of services.

  3. Social engineering attacks: Sensitive files containing credentials or other personal information can be used in social engineering attacks to trick individuals into revealing additional information or performing actions that can be exploited by the attacker.

It is important to address the “Hidden File Found” vulnerability promptly to mitigate these risks and ensure the security of the system and the confidentiality of sensitive information.