HawkScan Test Info for Source Code Disclosure - Git

Source Code Disclosure - Git


Plugin Id: 41 | CWE: 541


To remediate the vulnerability of source code disclosure in Git, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Secure the Git repository: Ensure that the Git repository is properly secured with appropriate access controls and permissions. Limit access to only authorized individuals who need to view or modify the source code.

  2. Implement strong authentication: Enforce strong authentication mechanisms, such as two-factor authentication, to prevent unauthorized access to the Git repository.

  3. Regularly update Git: Keep the Git software up to date with the latest security patches and updates. This helps to address any known vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of source code disclosure.

  4. Implement access controls: Configure access controls within the Git repository to restrict access to sensitive files or directories. Use Git’s access control mechanisms, such as branch permissions or path-based permissions, to limit access to specific users or groups.

  5. Monitor and log Git activity: Implement logging and monitoring mechanisms to track Git activity and detect any unauthorized access or suspicious behavior. Regularly review the logs to identify any potential security incidents.


Source code disclosure in Git refers to the unintentional exposure of the source code for a web page or application through the Git version control system. This vulnerability occurs when the web server inadvertently serves the raw source code files instead of rendering them as intended.

Git repositories often contain sensitive information, such as API keys, database credentials, or proprietary algorithms. If an attacker gains access to the source code, they can analyze it for vulnerabilities or exploit the exposed sensitive information.


The risks associated with source code disclosure in Git include:

  1. Exposure of sensitive information: Source code often contains sensitive information, such as credentials or proprietary algorithms. If exposed, this information can be leveraged by attackers to gain unauthorized access or exploit vulnerabilities.

  2. Increased attack surface: By analyzing the source code, attackers can identify potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the application. This knowledge can be used to launch targeted attacks, such as code injection or privilege escalation.

  3. Reputation damage: Source code disclosure can lead to reputational damage for organizations. If sensitive information or vulnerabilities are exposed, it can erode customer trust and confidence in the security of the application or website.

It is crucial to promptly remediate source code disclosure vulnerabilities in Git to protect sensitive information, reduce the attack surface, and maintain the reputation of the organization.