HawkScan Test Info for Source Code Disclosure - SVN

Source Code Disclosure - SVN


Plugin Id: 42 | CWE: 541


To remediate the vulnerability of source code disclosure in SVN, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Secure the SVN server: Ensure that the SVN server is properly secured and protected against unauthorized access. This includes implementing strong authentication mechanisms, such as using secure passwords or SSH keys, and regularly updating the server software to patch any known vulnerabilities.

  2. Restrict access to the source code: Limit access to the source code repository to only authorized individuals or teams. This can be achieved by setting up proper access controls and permissions within the SVN server. For example, you can create user groups and assign specific permissions to each group based on their roles and responsibilities.

  3. Regularly review and audit access logs: Monitor and review the access logs of the SVN server to identify any suspicious activities or unauthorized access attempts. This can help in detecting any potential source code disclosure incidents and taking appropriate actions to mitigate them.

  4. Encrypt sensitive source code: If the source code contains sensitive information, consider encrypting it to provide an additional layer of protection. Encryption can prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing and understanding the source code even if they manage to obtain it.


Source Code Disclosure - SVN vulnerability refers to the situation where the source code for a web page hosted on an SVN server is unintentionally disclosed by the web server. This vulnerability can occur due to misconfigurations or security weaknesses in the SVN server setup, allowing unauthorized individuals to access and view the source code.


The risks associated with source code disclosure in SVN include:

  1. Exposure of proprietary or sensitive information: If the source code contains proprietary algorithms, trade secrets, or sensitive information, its disclosure can lead to intellectual property theft, competitive advantage loss, or compromise of sensitive data.

  2. Increased vulnerability to attacks: Disclosed source code can provide valuable insights to attackers, enabling them to identify vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the application. This can lead to targeted attacks, such as code injection or privilege escalation, which can further compromise the security of the application.

  3. Reputation and legal implications: Source code disclosure can damage the reputation of an organization, especially if it involves the exposure of customer data or violation of privacy regulations. It can also result in legal consequences, such as lawsuits or regulatory penalties, depending on the nature of the disclosed information and applicable laws.