HawkScan Test Info for Insufficient Site Isolation Against Spectre Vulnerability

Insufficient Site Isolation Against Spectre Vulnerability


Plugin Id: 90004


To mitigate the vulnerability “Insufficient Site Isolation Against Spectre Vulnerability,” you should ensure that the Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy (CORP) header is properly configured. The CORP header is an opt-in header designed to counter side-channel attacks like Spectre. By setting the appropriate resource sharing policy, you can enhance site isolation and protect against potential exploits.

To remediate this vulnerability, follow these steps:

  1. Configure the Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy header: Set the CORP header in your server’s response to specify the resource sharing policy. The header should explicitly define which resources can be shared among different origins. For example, to allow sharing of resources with all origins, you can use the following configuration:

    Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: cross-origin

    This configuration allows cross-origin sharing of resources.

  2. Specify the resource sharing policy: Determine which resources should be shareable among different origins and set the appropriate policy. For example, if you want to allow sharing of images with all origins, you can use the following configuration:

    Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: cross-origin; img-src *

    This configuration allows cross-origin sharing of images.

  3. Test and validate the configuration: After implementing the CORP header, thoroughly test your application to ensure that the resource sharing policy is correctly enforced. Verify that the desired resources are accessible from the specified origins while preventing unauthorized access.


The vulnerability “Insufficient Site Isolation Against Spectre Vulnerability” refers to the lack of proper site isolation measures to counter side-channel attacks like Spectre. Spectre is a class of vulnerabilities that exploit speculative execution in modern processors, allowing an attacker to access sensitive information across different origins. Insufficient site isolation can lead to the leakage of sensitive data, compromising the security and privacy of users.

The Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy (CORP) header provides a solution to mitigate this vulnerability. By explicitly defining the resource sharing policy, you can enhance site isolation and prevent potential side-channel attacks. The CORP header allows you to specify which resources can be shared among different origins, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information.


Failure to address the vulnerability “Insufficient Site Isolation Against Spectre Vulnerability” can result in the following risks:

  1. Data leakage: Without proper site isolation, sensitive information can be leaked across different origins, potentially exposing user data or confidential information.

  2. Exploitation of side-channel attacks: Attackers can exploit side-channel attacks like Spectre to access sensitive data, bypassing traditional security measures.

  3. Compromised user privacy: Insufficient site isolation can compromise user privacy by allowing unauthorized access to their personal information or browsing activities.

It is crucial to implement the necessary remediation steps to mitigate these risks and ensure the proper configuration of the Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy header to enhance site isolation and protect against side-channel attacks.