HawkScan Test Info for Application Error Disclosure

Application Error Disclosure


Plugin Id: 90022 | CWE: 200


To remediate the vulnerability of “Application Error Disclosure,” the following steps can be taken:

  1. Disable error messages in production: Ensure that error messages are not displayed to users in a production environment. This can be achieved by configuring the web server or application framework to handle errors and exceptions gracefully without revealing sensitive information.

  2. Customize error pages: Create custom error pages that provide a generic error message to users without disclosing any specific details about the error. This can be done by configuring the web server or application framework to redirect to a predefined error page whenever an error occurs.

  3. Implement logging and monitoring: Set up proper logging and monitoring mechanisms to capture and track any errors or exceptions that occur within the application. This will help in identifying and resolving issues without exposing sensitive information to potential attackers.


The vulnerability of “Application Error Disclosure” occurs when a web application displays error or warning messages that may reveal sensitive information, such as the location of the file that produced the unhandled exception. This information can be exploited by attackers to launch further attacks against the application. It is important to note that this vulnerability may be a false positive if the error message is found within a documentation page.


The risks associated with the vulnerability of “Application Error Disclosure” include:

  1. Information disclosure: The error or warning messages may reveal sensitive information about the application’s internal structure, file paths, or other implementation details. Attackers can leverage this information to gain a deeper understanding of the application’s architecture and potentially exploit other vulnerabilities.

  2. Exploitation of vulnerabilities: By analyzing the error messages, attackers may identify specific vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the application’s code or configuration. This knowledge can be used to launch targeted attacks, such as SQL injection or remote code execution, to compromise the application and its underlying systems.

  3. Reputation and trust: The disclosure of error messages containing sensitive information can erode user trust and damage the reputation of the application or organization. Users may perceive the application as insecure or unreliable, leading to a loss of business and credibility.

It is crucial to address this vulnerability to protect the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information, maintain the trust of users, and ensure the overall security of the web application.