HawkScan Test Info for Generic Padding Oracle

Generic Padding Oracle


Plugin Id: 90024


To remediate the Generic Padding Oracle vulnerability, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Update the affected software: Ensure that all applications and frameworks that use encryption, such as ASP.net, Java Server Faces, and Mono, are updated to the latest versions. This will help to mitigate any known vulnerabilities and ensure that the encryption is implemented correctly.

  2. Implement secure encryption practices: Review and update the encryption implementation to follow best practices. This includes using strong encryption algorithms, properly managing encryption keys, and ensuring that padding is implemented correctly.

  3. Disable error messages that reveal sensitive information: Disable or customize error messages to avoid revealing information that could be used by an attacker to exploit the padding oracle vulnerability. This can be done by modifying the application’s configuration settings.

  4. Implement input validation: Validate and sanitize all user input to prevent malicious input from being processed by the application. This can help to prevent attacks that exploit the padding oracle vulnerability.


The Generic Padding Oracle vulnerability is a type of cryptographic attack that targets applications and frameworks that use encryption improperly. By manipulating the padding on an encrypted string, an attacker can generate an error message that indicates the presence of a padding oracle vulnerability. This vulnerability can affect various applications and frameworks, including some versions of ASP.net, Java Server Faces, and Mono.


Exploiting the Generic Padding Oracle vulnerability can lead to the following risks:

  1. Data decryption: An attacker may be able to decrypt encrypted data by exploiting the padding oracle vulnerability. This can result in the exposure of sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or personal data.

  2. Key recovery: By exploiting the vulnerability, an attacker may be able to recover encryption keys used by the application. This can allow them to decrypt and access encrypted data, as well as potentially modify it.

  3. Confidential data exposure: The exploitation of the padding oracle vulnerability can lead to the exposure of confidential data, which can have serious consequences for individuals and organizations. This includes the potential for financial loss, reputational damage, and legal implications.