HawkScan Test Info for Insecure HTTP Method

Insecure HTTP Method


Plugin Id: 90028 | CWE: 200


To mitigate the risks associated with the Insecure HTTP Method vulnerability, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Disable or restrict the use of insecure HTTP methods: Review the application’s HTTP methods and disable or restrict the use of insecure methods such as PUT, DELETE, or TRACE, if they are not required. This can be done by configuring the web server or application firewall to block or reject requests with these methods.

  2. Implement proper access controls: Ensure that only authorized users or roles have permission to perform sensitive operations using HTTP methods. Implement access controls at both the application and server levels to restrict access to sensitive resources.

  3. Use secure alternatives: Instead of using insecure HTTP methods, consider using more secure alternatives such as POST for updates or PATCH for partial updates. These methods provide better control and validation of the data being sent.

  4. Validate and sanitize user input: Implement input validation and sanitization techniques to prevent malicious input from being processed by the application. This can help prevent attacks such as injection or cross-site scripting (XSS).


The Insecure HTTP Method vulnerability refers to the use of insecure HTTP methods, such as PUT or DELETE, without proper security controls. These methods were originally intended for file management operations but are now commonly used in RESTful services for updating or deleting resources. The vulnerability arises when these methods are not properly secured or restricted, allowing attackers to manipulate or delete sensitive data.


The risks associated with the Insecure HTTP Method vulnerability include:

  1. Data manipulation or deletion: Attackers can exploit insecure HTTP methods to manipulate or delete sensitive data. For example, an attacker could send a malicious PUT request to modify the content of a resource or a DELETE request to remove important data.

  2. Unauthorized access: Insecure HTTP methods can be used by attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive resources. For example, an attacker could send a PUT request to create a new resource with elevated privileges or a DELETE request to remove a resource that should not be accessible.

  3. Information disclosure: Insecure HTTP methods can also lead to information disclosure vulnerabilities. For example, an attacker could send a PUT request with sensitive information in the request body, which could be logged or exposed in error messages.

It is important to properly secure and restrict the use of insecure HTTP methods to mitigate these risks and protect the integrity and confidentiality of the application’s data.